5 Women.


90 Days.

2 Countries.

1 Coastline.

The Inside Passage

Our Purpose

As we navigate the breathtaking Inside Passage, push what’s possible, and connect to a simple way of living; We aim to raise awareness for women in outdoor industries, connect with First Nations communities, and highlight the importance of preserving our wild spaces. Follow our journey and be part of the movement to empower women and protect our planet—one paddle stroke at a time.

The What

We aim to be as self-sufficient as possible. As five experienced outdoor guides, we are knowledgeable and well equipped as a team to take on the challenges that this paddle will present. Starting in June 2025 in Telegraph Cove, Canada and paddling to Skagway, Alaska.

Our Values:

Community, Diversity and Femininity

  • Sharing stories and connecting with the diverse communities and voices we will encounter along the west coast.

Sustainability and Stewardship

  • Connecting with PacificWild gives us insight to the problems this area of coastline is facing so we can educate and advocate during our passage.

  • We aim to acknowledge and work with First Nations while moving through their land

  • A low impact paddle over 3 months with minimal emissions.

Adventure and Friendship

  • Fostering a sense of friendship and building a wider community through this paddle.

  • Reaching out to businesses and other like-minded adventurers in hopes of creating an even larger impact.

Our Collaborators


Pacific Wild supports the protection of ecosystems that can sustain biodiversity throughout the Great Bear Rainforest & the northwest Pacific region..

FreshTrek Foods

Our focus is high calorie, high protein meals made with fantastic ingredients that will help keep you at your peak

We use fresh, organic and locally-sourced ingredients whenever possible

This Could Be You

We are looking for more assistance with food supply, kayak equipment or even donations towards our cause!

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